Jo Swinson MP in The House of Commons | The Amy May Trust

NEW: The published findings of a review into the risks of flying for People with food allergies - Read our comment

Jo Swinson MP in The House of Commons


Yesterday, Jo Swinson, Member of Parliament for East Dunbartonshire and supporter of our efforts to raise the much-needed awareness and control of nut allergies, raised the issue of flying with such a fatal allergy while on an aircraft in the House of Commons. Jo Swinson asked the Secretary of State for Transport, The Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, whether he would meet with her and a group of campaigners to explore the possible solutions to flying with greater confidence for those with a nut allergy.

The Secretary of State for Transport extended his invitation to discuss the importance of the matter.

The Amy May Trust has not let this important issue, nor the tremendous national support we have received pass. We are continually working on a strategic and non-aggressive approach to helping the 2,000,000* allergy sufferers within the UK. Alongside this, we are continually raising the importance of nut allergies, and hope we have managed to educate proportionate numbers on this life-threatening issue.

@JoSwinson on Twitter


*Source: Food Standards Agency

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